bible word count statistics

The Total of Unique Words in Bible Is 14,564, Message to the Muslims 3: Punishment Or Respite, Gods House At Wrong Place. Total There are some variations between versions with included/excluded text and verses, however, for the purpose of establishing the relative lengths of each book, these counts are very helpful. With Bible Analyzer's built-in Download Manager you have access to 100s of valuable titles. Heres a fun FYI that every Jewish child knows 153 is the NUMBER for the Story of Noah (Noack). If you let me have the wording that will be great. 2022 Global Scripture Access - Wycliffe Global Alliance We can see that the book of Galatians has a very heavy emphasis on the subject of justification, and that out of the whole Bible it uses the words the most (proportionally). * Bible manuscripts into English. Let's look at how a novel compares to the Bible. A Reply To Dan Gibson. A translation is a human trying to describe what another man has said using not that mans experience but his own and in a different language and life time of experience no less. These came with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum and Baanah.The number of the men of the people of Israel: the sons of Parosh, 2,172; the sons of Shephatiah, 372;read more. as long as it's not for profit and not edited in any manner whatsoever. the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Whats a lemma? Also, if you have data on your ESV analysis, could you share that either via a published article here or by sending direct to me? These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Is there a place I can take a look at the occurances of words in each specific bible book? some one on that committee was aware of all this stuff going on in the Verse 1 continues - and all that is within me. 31,175 verses in the King James Bible and that's not true. Now, if you have an issure of blood, not born Jew, then you can touch the OLD and be healed. Apparently The Bible Analyzer Store lists all the available Premium titles and once purchased they can be immediately downloaded. But I can point to where I bought bread! Old Testament, The New Testament), (the It shows the Lord (the Holy Word) you TRYING to KNOW him. Thus, for example, the stats for John's Gospel are 879 verses ( including 5:4 . Bible Word Counter Software Primitive Word Counter v.1.09 With Primitive Word Counter, you will easily find out not only the density of the most important keywords, but also the number of key phrases in any text. there are two middle verses. You will have to first learn each Letter of Light before I can explain it so that it will made sense. I do see, however, that you didnt distinguish between Hebrew and Greek, which makes comparing OT and NT books rather difficult if you want to compare length, given how on the one hand Hebrew is an agglutinating language, while Greek likes to multiply its articles for example. Good question. The average of Words per verse in OT is 27.6 and in NT its 22.2.. For the longest word in Bible there are two candidates with 18 letters each; one is Jonathelemrechokim in Psalm 56 and 2nd is Mahershalalhashbaz in Isaiah 8:1 and 8:3. . However, Make or made Statistics is translated to the English Bible's versions and or Quran as Number, numbered, Count and Counted. the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: These are the middle two verses Played an intricate part in my sermon tomorrow. There are 2 Micah & Nahum, Longest It makes me laugh just to think about it. holy name. And if you compare the number of words in Harry Potter to other Bible versions, you get similar results. Out of respect I do use the word Rabbi just as Peter was allowed to eat anything when he ate at the gentiles house when Cefus (Peter) was asked to join him. The Bible: A Word Count Analysis - Deane Barker A well worn path is not what you should be seeking. Then I selected the Bible I was using (lets say the ESV for this post). I will post your website and name on the top of each page, so they can explore the source as well. * The The above figures for the total number of words per book include both the "shorter ending" and "longer ending" of Mark's Gospel (16:9-20), as well as the story of the adulterous woman (John 7:53-8:11), but do not include the other verses listed in the previous note. People do you KNOW the WORD as it WAS in the day of your Deliverers Life? I went with the following three Bibles: The NA27 Greek New Testament The Lexham Hebrew Bible The New American Standard 1995 Update (for the little slivers of Aramaic) Enter the HITS command referencing your original search pane. These numbers are pulled from the original languages using Logos Bible Softwareyou can see how I did it below. Box 40862, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404, One fascinating aspect of Bible study is looking at word counts. as many words (12) on each side of it. First Temple was built by Solomon in 966BC to 950BC whichreplaced the Tabernacle constructed in the Sinai Desert Under Moses supervision. They How long are the books of the Bible? (Word count chart) - OverviewBible We've got 100 helpful prompts to help you get kickstarted on your next writing assignment. Old Testament, The New Testament), Total such as me, can you sort of simply explain (without words like lemma!). words in the Book Titles - 85 (the Many New Testament books have more words per verse than Old Testament books. Out of 1189 total chapters 929(78%) chapters are in Old Testament Books and 260(22%) chapters in New Testament Books. You I did this by going to Documents . The game features: A bible word unscrambler game contains Bible word games and Bible Stories Numerous word connect puzzles that challenge brain Colorful illustrations and interactive contents of Bible Stories Educational Bible games for both adults and children Now I can continue to study the Word. Why Muslims are poor, ignorant and extremist. again that's twice as many words as in the imaginary center. started off with a faulty statistic. Once Here are the word counts for the some of most common versions of the Bible: The New International Bible (NIV): 727,969 words. Note that these calculations will vary slightly based on the Bible translation you use. Aramaic however is also a wonderful language you will learn as you Learn the Light onto the World. And of course, I did this with all those books, so . words in the 31,102 verses - 788,258 (not fruits bared by the tree of life. quadrupled (7 times 4) instead of seven doubled (7 times 2.) That was easy. middle words in the center of God's middle verses. Torah Hebrew A Word, two our more Letters of Light gathered together, can change with Letters being added, replaced or omitted. counting number of words, verses, chapters - Logos Forums Word Counts: How Many Times Does a Word Appear in the Bible? Sari also received the HEY Letter of Light. The King James Version was released in 1611 and is the oldest version of the Bible still being used today. Theme by ILOVEWP. I was using the list in order to memorize the books of the New Testament, in order from shortest to longest books. Job follows them on the list because it has three fewer verses than Matthew and 103 fewer than Luke.Yet Job is 42 chapters long. However Bible Code Statistics, 1 Chance in 463 Trillion: 2020, Election Who Was Herod? The following statistics apply I made a similar list using the ESV. I have heard it on tapes. Mind-Blowing Statistics About Christianity You Need to Know This has many on the KJV. The shortest words in the Bible are a, I and O. Bible Analyzer Bible Software - Free Premium Bible Software For Windows Philip have I been with you this long and you still do not know that I am IN the Father and the Father is IN me. Now let's count the words in these I have all the data on handIll tackle that next month. As you can imagine, I dont have the time nor original-language knowledge to tallyall these words on my own. Philip was taught this and still did not understand until the Christ walked THROUGH the WALL. were counted because they are scattered throughout this Psalm (Chapter.). The average word length of Bible is 5.2 i.e on average they constituted of 5.2 letters/Alphabets. That might make for a fun tutorial video to do sometime. But before we had any of those words, we had alpha and omega. If you have ever used Access, it is a powerful tool to manipulate data until you are blue in the face. Again, thanks for your efforts here! Shortest book of the Old Testament is Obadiah with 1 chapter, 21 verses and 670 words, and of New Testament and of Whole Bible is John 3 with 1 chapter, 13 verses and 299 words. Longest verse in the Bible is Esther 8:9 with 90 words. I also hope to memorize a multitude of passages because some are repeated. They old HAS to remain the SAME. The first 4 books of the Old Testament are the Books of Moses to the Jew the 5th book speaks of Him to come and whats will come when this all comes to pass. The same is true for other versions of the Bible. Order of the Phoenix is 1/4 of the total, just a tad short of the first three books' word counts combined. Theres more. Middle book of the Old Testament is Proverbs and of New Testament is 2 Thessalonians. Receive our messages by Email Second Temple Construction was authorized by Cyrus the Great and began in 538 BCE completed in 23 years in 515BC. And a 28,000 word manuscript is more like a booklet or novella of 90 pages. How does the number of words in the Bible stack up to other texts? All the things run can mean are astounding almost impossible to define. The word "and" occurs 46,277 times; the word "Lord" 1,855 times. For example, run, ran, and running are all different words, but if you were to look up their meanings in a dictionary, youd look up run. Run is the lemma. COUNT, n. 1. Bible Statistics - Bible Analyzer I went with the following three Bibles: The NA27 Greek New Testament The Lexham Hebrew Bible The New American Standard 1995 Update(for the little slivers of Aramaic) How many chapters, verses, and words are in the Bible? Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Use our free and easy online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with keyword density and reading level. However, language user statistics tend to lag behind actual population statistics due to challenges in gathering and updating information. Verse Concepts. Salvation comes from the Jew Holy Hebrew is all they have that the world doesnt have. as follows: It is better They already have the word count for a passage range available, since they display differences. The prayer shawl needs to have ALL the FOUR corner, healing fring/tzitizit removed, the prayer shawl shorten to remove the damage, and THEN new patches to hold the OLD healing Tzitzit can be made and sewed on the OLD prayer shawl. There may be different counts in the same declaration. words either on the cover or the first page explaining which Bible you Those debates are exacerbated by the fact that there are more than a hundred translations of the Bible from its original Hebrew, even translations of translations. The Bible word count is: Old Testament: 593,493 New Testament: 181,253 Total: 774,746 My answer is not to say that either Ianfranco or zbeckabee is wrong. 6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. At the bottom of the rightmost pane, click Show All Properties. . Regardless of the version, it's safe to say the Bible is usually longer than most commercial novels. Do you know Aba who reveals Himself through the WORD. We thought you might find it interesting to also see some more facts and figures about the Bibles 66 different books. Ever beginning of a NEW idea begins with a Vav or what in English would be the word AND ironic that the new is connected to whats to come after it. Heave is Shamyim/water and Eretz is earth or dust the TWO WITNESSES that G-d breathed LIFE into. Second Temple Construction was authorized by Cyrus the Great and began in 538 BCE completed in 23 years in 515BC. But so thankful to you for creating this one. Im writing another article on the word counts of each book in the Bible, your material here is invaluable, but Im concerned at how you end up with your 611,224 word total. Learn more about lemmas here. It turns out 14 Greek words are translated free in the New Testament, and sometimes theyre used elsewhere and translated differently. The Torah began as a series of ANDs. Susan. Nevertheless they did not The average word length of Bible is 5.2 i.e on average they constituted of 5.2 letters/Alphabets. Its origins and religious significance are subjects of debate. Longest book of the New Testament is Luke with 24 Chapters and 1,151 verses. But the New American Standard Bible (NASB), the NET Bible, The New Living Translation (NLT) and the New Century Bible have fifteen versesone more verse. Statistics (sta&bulltis&bulltics) is a noun that can be used with a singular or plural verb. Have you ever done, or thought of doing, a word count of how many different words in each book are used? I would like to know the number of times the word free or freedom are used in the New Testament. This gives a total of 31,102 verses, which is an average of 26.2 verses per chapter, and 25.3 words per verse. He got the dot for his house and the HEY which means behold. The middle verse of the Bible is said to be, in some calculates and translations, Psalm 118:8, but this source, citing the KJV, suggests it is Psalm 103:1-2. To perhaps restate my question, other sources suggest there are about 545,000 words in the original Greek/Hebrew/Aramaic. The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119. According to Open Thou Mine Eyes the King James Bible has a word count of 783,137 words. Every Word, a room in the Fathers house prepared just for you to get to know Him who sent the Christ, the Word of G-d made flesh and blood. Show word count - Microsoft Support Salvation comes from the Jews and Aaron Raskin and his ministry is all about open door study with the mingling of the stranger and the Jew the righteous gentile and the Ysara El which means the Yid (man working G-ds plan) who has the POWER/El to persevere/sara. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Word Count in Microsoft Word Word Counter 3. Forty years a pastor, several years in religious education, ONE trip to a college in India (wow), etc I will NOT be called on much to speak, but if so I will be prepared; even more so since I met your work! Oh my goodness, you do KNOW HIM! we have seven compounded twice as much. Bible word count statistics - SwordSearcher Blog Bible word count statistics One fascinating aspect of Bible study is looking at word counts. Click Add (A) on the Word List. *Note on Num 25: The NAB follows the Hebrew Bible in numbering a 19th verse, although it prints the three words of v. 19 at the beginning of Num 26; most other ancient and modern Bibles (LXX, Vulg, KJV, RSV, NRSV, etc.) The average Words per verse in Bible are 25.2. SwordSearcher is a registered trademark. Both the . Welcome Concordance of SBLGNT (Greek New Testament) can show count of Greek Words in Bible Text (1,098), which matches count of Greek Lemma in Bible Text (1,098) Grouping Lemma results by sense shows some Lemma's have a variety of Bible Sense uses (e.g. the King James Bible has the words ", ; - hey nothing very astounding there that jumps off The Bible - HISTORY Its all down to how the publisher prints the final product that will be put on store bookshelves. Using a standard font, the average bible has around 1,200 pages. Next, in the verse list panel that appears, click the Search information and statistics button on the toolbar. Each Letter of Light has something to tell us, a story all its own. Book Titles, the Testament dividers plus the phrase Table of Contents) Romans 11:25-27. That's the number of completeness and spiritual It is Showing Only TheUnique Words Per letter. The King James Bible: 783,137* words New King James Bible: 770,430* words The New International Bible (NIV): 727, 969* (another source counts: 726,109 ). holy name. Cant learn what you cant SEE and FEEL spiritually. (By the way, if you want to know what I think of Logos . What a cool idea! Zerubbabel was the leader of the tribe of Judah and part of the first Jewish captives. Dont take stock in English, its too young to know anything when compared to Greek which was driveled from Aramaic (ancient everyday Hebrew). 5 books the word is not listed because they only have one chapter), (The Two birds one stone, I figure. It is well known that Madras schools teach children to Memorize the Koran. The Nachash is not a prophet because He only speaks about what he sees in conversation not as a town crier or messenger to the peoples. Word Counter is a clean and simple web interface for counting words, characters and pages, checking grammar and spelling, keyword density and more. during the process of time. The Bible is the holy scripture of the Christian religion, purporting to tell the history of the Earth from its earliest creation to the spread of Christianity in the first century A.D. holy name right in the center of the two middle verses! But as for the others, no there isn't. Word count: A logical place Logos could put it would be in the Version River. Psalms 12:6 their website: Devarim is a retelling of all the other 4 books, and what is too come including the blessings and curses yet to happen. The longest book in the Bible is the Psalms (which also has the longest chapter - Psalm 119) while the shortest is 2 John. verse in the King James Bible, Note: Total verses: 31,102. Here's an example. They were taught there were Gosh I love Aba (the unseen Father as His SEEN Holy Hebrew Aleph Bet) and His Seed which is each Letter of Light where ever two or more Letters of Light are, there is the LIGHT there is the Aleph Bets glory; His WORD! Same prayer shawl, only shortened so we can READ in first in English (left to right) then go fishing and toss the net to read right to left. is simply not the case. Bible Atlas Charts, Maps, DXNRY & Commentary Modern Hebrew is NOT Torah Hebrew. They ate on the sand because Torah is not yet firmed up. There is only ONE Letter that is missing for what seems to be a very long time but when you find Him you will see He comes with the 144K wearing the Name that is Gold on their foreheads as they ride with the WORD. When you are strugging or in need of any kind, just saying the Aleph Bet brings you great blessings. Go find the other twelve, look at the WORD where its found and the Letters that make up that word for the best most glorious KNOWING of the Fathers seed. John did not take the mother MARY home. The website Open Thou Mine Eyes lists the New International Version as having a word count of either 727,969 words or 726,109 words, the English Standard Version having 757,439 words and the New American Standard Bible 782,815 words. =). When it first entered English in the 1300s, it was used as a title for God in the book of Revelation. Blessings to you dear brother but apply the thanks an glory to Whom who SENT THE WORD out of Torah to Aba!

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