security forces whole airman concept epr bullets

- Cemented ROEs for 2 over watch posts; 46 EoF/62 prnsl/30 vehicles/2 warning shots--thwarted potential TB attacks - Managed 20 vehicle fleet valued at $800K; ensured 96% Vehicle-In-Commission rate--trump'd AF goal by 6%, - Managed 65+ OJT records; created checklist/conducted review--efforts resulted in 20 corrected discrepancies - Controlled six SF/helo integrated recap msns/mgd'd 314 personnel/corrected deficiencies--highlighted unit's abilities, - Coord'd LE Ops; processed 4 assaults/30 citations/9 warrants/4 debarments issued--safed 4K Cadets/11K+ personnel - First responder to medical emergency; provided first aid and buddy care to injured individuals--preserved life - Destroyed 1K sensitive RAB information, secured PII for base personnel--prev'd terrorist activity on AUAB - Active participant in Police Week activities; honored fallen heroes--promoted community relations and healing - Spt'd Wounded Warrior proj Ruckin for Vets ; raised $2K/1.5K lbs of food--boosted QoL for 779K warriors - Committed head coach for youth soccer tm; dedicated 40 hrs/2 mths towards ex/games--fostered sportsmanship - Alerted to seven 113 Wg klaxon alrms; secured alert fighter aircraft--guaranteed airtight defense of PL-2 asset, - Appointed Honor Guard led; performed 5 details/certified ceremonial guardsmen--time-honored traditions preserved Please & Thanks. - Directed AF's lrgst RP program; oversaw 402 controlled & nine restricted areas--vital to USAF '16 Best Lrg SF unit, - Directed forces to nine 911 hang-ups originating in RA; coordinated to assess/secure area--resources protected - Displayed excellent C2 during Schriever protest activity; directed forces/zero breaches--base perimeter secure, - Displayed impressive technical ability; delivered excellent post brief--efforts recognized/coined by Wing/CC . Dirt Bag Airman Concept Bullets. - Led KAF 5/6 Pres; dvlp'd 16 hr prof dvlpmt course/spearheaded 8 fundraisers--prepared future leaders/raised $891 - Direct'd flt ops f/30 Role-3/45 MEDEVACs; est security/facilitated patient movement--enabl'd care f/62 WIA/CF/AFN - Certified life saver; successfully completed rigorous 8 hr CPR class--gained priceless tools as first responder, - Certified on RADAR/LIDAR, OC Pepper Spray & ASP baton;honed LE skills--enhanced mission capabilities - Validated flight airfield license training program; 30+ Airmen in deployed location-- all recieved airfld license Lets see what you got. - Established working relationship/rapport between FSS and other squadrons; customer satisfaction her #1 priority/goal, - Excelled as acting 1st Sgt for 200-mbr WSA; advised CC on morale, family issuesupheld AF stds/mbrs' well-being - Coordinated w/Stalker Inc; trained 22 SF as LIDAR instructors--300 speeding citations issued/safer roadways Earned 16 hrs twds Health Mgmt BA/compl'd SEJPME--strngth'd Human Perf lsn f/1.6K DoD SELs - Delivered K-9 support for 12 high-vis events; SECDEF/SECAF/CSAF--perfect execution for 400+ GOs/DVs, - Demonstrated expert C2 during 55 alarms on PL 1-3 resources; ensured security of DoD assets valued at $50B - Works three jobs and goes to school full-time; made Dean's list with 3.5GPA--monumental dedication/work ethic! - Secured high-vis Nuclear Security Summit; convoyed 65 DV s to/from site--on-time movements/incident-free - My #1 pick to lead S4 flight; flawlessly managed unit's $500K budget/$2.1M supply acct; 300+ Amn benefited, - Obtained Oleoresin Capsicum instructor certification; improved unit trng prgrm effectiveness/personal growth - Secured launch site for counter artillery attack--enabled joint force strike to deter incoming indirect fire attack lB in DoD acrft - Rendered assistance for domestic disturbance; ensured victim/witness rights--diffused situation w/out incidents, - Reorg'd armory; optimal equip/wpn configuration--decreased arming times 40%/sped major incident response - Exemplary team player; exhibits consistent/monumental work ethic--fosters purpose/responsibility/joy in fellow peers. - AFSA VP; led 18 membership drives/fundraisers/events & tm amassed 10K volunteer hrs--raised $24K/donated $4K - Authored 48hr PT plan; spearheaded 24 evals--set standard w/100% pass rate & over 90% average amongst 4 Airmen, - Authored Security Force manuals;TASS QRC/QRB/PB/JKH--streamlined response time f/10+ TASS operators - Seized jt trng opportunity; tm'd w/ FSS/conducted acft mishap scenario survey--20 mil poised for psnl recovery - Steered GIRoA Pres security; adj sec posture/coord w/HN sec svc/350 commandos--foster'd democratic election prcs, - Stellar Airman! - Identified local wanted fugitive at VCC; coordinated with local law enforcement--seamless custodial transfer, - Immediately rais d barriers for two ECP gate-runners; challeng'd driver/secur d scene--51st remains hard target - Certified Records Custodian; managed VC program/AFRIMS; ensured AFI requirements met/inspection ready - Close in/close boundary sentry for PL-1/2 alert aircraft; secured acft/crew--resource integrity uncompromised, - Collected biometrics for 13.5K personnel; registered base population f/AUAB & CAS--solidified ECP TTPs - Dynamic flight performer; always goes above and beyond--efforts led to 11 SFS Squadron of the Year Award, - Educated masses on setup/teardown of radio equip, mx/safe-keeping of $19k equip--ensured secure C2 comm f/ FTX - Attention to detail! 621st Contingency Response Wing Public Affairs TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS) -- Airmen from the 821st Contingency Response Support Squadron are using the Whole Airman Concept to find innovative ways to incorporate leadership development into their everyday squadron routine. - Primary records custodian for 88 personnel; strictly tracked & protected personal info--maintained INFOSEC - Volunteered to improve perimeter defenses--picked up debris/cleaned TASS equip--hardened defense posture, - Well Represented! 3P0X1B Combat Arms Training (CATM) 3S0X1 Personnel. - Prop'd awds prgm homestation & deployed; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered BTZ winner/3 mnthly winners Security Forces EPR Bullets Total Page Visits: 18999 Not coined by anyone! - First responder to A-10 ground emergency; safely cordoned munitions mishap--protected $12B in AF resources - Superb Amn; ID'd as outstanding performer during DV detail--coined by USEUCOM/CC for professionalism, - Superb supervisory skills; fostered teamwork/raised morale/motivated Amn--lauded by unit & wing leadership - Sharpened SF skills; certified on All-Terrain Vehicles, expandable baton, and Intoxilizer 5000 - Vol'd w/ First Sergeants' Council; devoted 2 hours Ops Warm Heart--raised $904 for limited-income families in need - Wg leader! - Dispatched to four bldg alarms; established 360 of affected bldg--ensured all military assets were safe/secure - AFSA VP; led 18 membership drives/fundraisers/events & tm amassed 10K volunteer hrs--raised $24K/donated $4K, - Aggressively completed 6-hrs study tips seminar/communication skills courses--enhanced personal readiness EPR Bullets by AFSC Whole Airman Concept : r/AirForce - reddit Any bullet like this is filler and anyone reading it knows that. 33 AFCM, 45 AFAM, 6 BSM, 550 volunteer hrs--continued operational combat support in KAF - Supported Andrews Air Show--$2B assets/250K guests safe/secured--recognized as an outstanding performer, - Supported multiple 5k runs; traffic control points/manned water stations--safe environment for over 700 coalition prs - Selected to attend unit's Deliberate Development Crs; honed ldrsp skills--prepar'd to execute supervisor duties - Assigned flt PTL/trainer; improved work performance f/45 psnl/energized flt--increased DPE/PFT passing rate by 5%, - Assisted S2/AT; collaborated S2/OSI/AT/FP/IN data -- evaluated enemy Tools Tatics and Proceedures/ threats - Led response during four medical emergencies; administered first aid until EMS arrived--prevented loss of life, - Led security spt for French refueling msn; 150 sorties/3K hrs/24K lbs of fuel--strengthened coalition relations - Distinguished Graduate; smash'd SF appr crse w/95%/1 of 88 grads--acknowledg'd by AETC CC award/procured BTZ Examples of Volunteer and Community Service EPR Bullets. - Utilized $250K ID technology; validated credentials for 35K/10 DoD agencies--prevented unauthorized entries, - Validat'd 100 personnel sec clearances in JPAS; process'd 100 RABs--enabl'd unit mission with 95% turnover 1A7X1 Aerial Gunner. - Took action in drug suspect call; apprehended AMN with meth paraphernalia--enforced AFMAN 33-197 drug policy Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC. - Base involved; vol'd 10 hrs Trap & Skeet/Christmas gift wrapping fundraiser--raised $1.2K CES holiday party - Dedicated Flight trainer; responsible f/ developing 7 Airmen--accomplished superb 93.5% duty qualification pass rate - Organized 4 Booster Club events; directed 28 volunteers for Tucson Padres--garnished over $2K for SqMWR, - Proactive mindset; overhauled Sponsorship Program; smoothed transition for >10 newly arrived Airmen EPR bullets for volunteering: Meals on Wheels, Change of Command, etc. - Educated new aviators on aircrew duties; briefed surveillance responsibilities--enhanced knowledge of future leaders - Ascertained current EPR backlog of office; held bullet garnering/writing refresher for Amn/NCOs; regaining currency, - Assessed section's MBTI types; id'd/utilized office strengths, promoted teamwork--catapulted section capes - Exhibited remarkable military bearing/ldrshp; demonstrated sense of service--instilled purpose & responsibility in peers, - Facilitated Amn development; coord'd 6x ldrshp crses by John C. Maxwell/2x public speaking crs's--dev'd 130 Amn EPR Bullet Examples I Hate CBT's - Clearly demonstrated sound understanding of SF knowledge; achieved 92% on QC--set high standard for peers . - Completed ASIST course; obtained advanced skills/knowledge/tools in suicide prevention--vital to Wing support Volunteering is cool but during these times you may need to adjust to do something else. Perfect! - Led by example; crafted & conducted PT sessions for 13 airmen--increased unit fitness readiness rate by 15% Whole Airman Concept: Leadership development - Air Force - Showcased urgency; challenged installation gate runner; popped barriers--denied access/apprehended subject, - Skilled C2 for two suspicious pkgs; coordinated multi-agency response--set cordons/evac'd 78 prsnl f/recovery fatal accident in apple valley, ca; covid test pitt county; kevin samuels zodiac sign; band music publishers; - Led by example; exceeded standards/expectations--successfully carried out assigned tasks w/little supervision, - Led Joint Ops w/JCSE; secured area for critical water survival training certification; ensured mission capable Elected base 5/6 Vice Pres--mentor'd '14 Staff Amn OTY, NCO OTQ and CCAF degree recipients, - Zealously enforced traffic regulations; conducted traffic stops and educated motorists--increased traffic safety. - Cert'd on UL/UC2 Emrg Mgmt sys; integrated Wing rspns w/IMMS pgm--instant situation updates AUAB wide, - Certified comm focal point redundancy; validated KAB C4I infrastructure--spot forged f/theater security cooperation - Goal oriented; amassed 9 credit hrs toward Healthcare Admin BA--maintained stellar 3.9 GPA, 2 crs until conferment - Attended five days/40 hrs of training; graduated Master Rappel crs 1 of 10 on base certified--trained 75 defenders - Continuous prof'l development; passed annual cyber awareness CBT w/100% final exam--applied security awareness, - Eager to dev jr enl; held combined feedback w/4 amn at NCO PES--gained interpersonal skills/cultural understanding - Exceptional NCO/leader; unyielding respect for peers; displays relentless drive/positive impact--excellent role model - On scene to five 113 FW klaxon activations; tactically established ECP--alert crew launched acft unhindered - Hand picked CE Escort; 480 hours providing security for CE civilian workers--base construction unimpeded Contact Disclaimer. - Dispatched Security Force patrols to 13.5K TASS alarms;oversaw Asst/dictated threat--Hardest Target in KSA, - Dispatched to 113 FW klaxon; set up blocking force between taxiway/resource--expedited alert crew response - Vol'd 210 hrs f/prof orgs/54 hrs swim lessons/30 hrs mail room/24 hrs f/Hurricane Irma--inspired peers to vol 1K hrs - Weekend volunteer; expertly repaired/weight & balanced aileron--ensured acft met scheduled deployment time - Managed $800K in ammo/$400K in LMR/$35K in RADAR devices; SF msn critical equip--zero discrepancies See also: Unit Fitness Program Manager EPR Bullets. - Integral participant of the 2011 JSOH; conducted stringent searches at Branch Ave--28K personnel processed - Responded to seven medical emergency calls; stabilized situations until arrival of EMS--flawless procedures - True ambassador; mentored AF JROTC drill team--imparted military standards & tradition to potential recruits - Responded to four shopliftings at AAFB BX; recovered $900 in stolen merchandise--prevented loss to AAFES - Excelled as MFRT/TSE RTO; upheld DD CADRE directives f/UXO/medvac 9 line--aced eval/flawless rating earned - Supply accnt mngr; inventoried $2.2M in weapons/comm/ammo/munitions/tac equip--ensured 100% accountability Followership Leadership EPR Bullets - Well rounded Amn; demonstrated ability to perform tasks on time--completed tasks with minimum supervision - Active w/Top 3; mentored First Four/organized Family Feud--enjoyed by 40+ members/boosted KAF's programs, - Adv'd COIN ops; guided 10 Guardian Angels/Grd Mvt SOPs f/2 AORs--derailed 85 attacks/21 Taliban seiz'd/5 killed - Forged Wetumpka HS JROTC event; taught 3 diversity sessions; leverag'd mil leadership exp w/121 cadets/3 schools, - Fostered mil mbrs prsnl/prof growth; facilitated ed talks on ethical decision making--yielded nine Sq/three Wg lvl awds - Vol'd 30 hrs at Buckelew Farms "Terror in the Corn"; scared 10K patrons--aided sq's #1 fundraiser/raised $6K Followership Leadership EPR Bullets - Air Force Writer - Pursued professional development; mastered Transformational Leadership crse--refined mgmt/critical thinking skills, - Rais'd MAB sec stance; execut'd 31 GTOs/10 RIEVCs/64 RA sweeps--increase'd 'harden'd target'/met PACAF vision 3P0X1 Security Forces. Contact - Screened/vetted 60 local national workers; aided completion of 125 projects--$600M construction completed - Safeguards 364 housing units, 1.3K buildings, and the base populace covering 3.6K acres; enforces traffic laws/codes, - Executes SF command and control f/entire 90MW 32-acre Protection Level 1 (PL-1) nuclear Weapons Storage Area Airman Against Drunk Driving (AADD) . - Dispatcher f/Monaco Fire Alarm System; 1.2K bdgs/1K alarms/30 responses/8.4K sensors worth 53M--ensur'd safety - Drove Wg Expdtnry Active Shooter Tng; org/instr'd 140 mbrs/280 hrs--tm recogniz'd by 11 AF/CC/mbr coin'd - Aced 4 college crs's; earned 12 credits twds Comm BS/sustained 3.8 GPA--completed 58% deg rqmts/achv'd Dean's List - Executed joint IDP SOP with 82d ABN; created seamless joint ops--Sec'd primary SOJTF logistics hub worth $1.6bil - QRF f/ in-direct fire resp; led POL/flight line prnsl to bunkers/fortifi'd sec posture--zero msn impact/mitigat'd threat security forces epr bullets. - Program Manger & VCO; instituted recommendations to eliminate accidents for GOV--excuted mnthly safty brfs, - Protected POTUS/VPOTUS & DV arrivals/departures; cleared travel routes--secured top US & world leaders - First responder to suicide attempt; assisted First Sergeant with dorm insp/seized narcotics--member's life saved, - First respondor to distressed vessel; 3 persons recovered/transported back to shore; averted further danger - Volunteered as flt Air Force Aid Foundation POC; ensured 100% contact with all personnel--base goals met . Long story short, I have literally been unable either mentally or physically work towards any EPR related bullets. - Experienced Key prsnl DCAPES Operator; generat'd 150+ CED/NATO ordr's 300+ deploying personnel--0 discrep! - Maintaned TASS operations; f/8 Grd/2 IFE cordoned area/cleared routes--prevented loss of life or critical asst - Responded to domestic incident; secured mother & daughter--effected apprehension/prevented further injuries, - Responded to domestic violence BOLO hit; apprehended/detained/processed subject--prevented possible harm - Committed to achieving excellence; rec'd 95% on critical Armory Stan-Eval--"Exceptionally Well Qualified" - AAA Coordinator & Handler; propelled Wing CC driven program--50+ hours/~200 178th WG mbr stressors reduced - Close Boundary Sentry for PL-1 aircraft; ensured the safety of aircraft and crew--guaranteed mission success - Methodically train'd/cert'd four ECC controllers; provid'd 50+ hours of OJT leadership--enhanc'd msn success, - Mng'd 1.4K ft T-Wall Proj; added 50 barriers to Int'l Airport/Camp perimeter--sec'd 2 AF sectors/DV qtrs/6.5K CF - Vigilant entry controller; id'd 7 curfew violations; assisted w/apprehension/processing suspects--enforced Wg stds - Combat FTM; enabled movements of 110 msns/400 hrs OTW--secured 60K acre BSZ/24K CF/$20B in assets - Spearheaded the xx unit CoC ceremony, scheduling times/locations/logistics; flawless event lauded by guests/wgCC - Avid SF supporter; mbr of unit intramural football team--vital to championship victory/lifted esprit de corps, - BDOC Controller; dispatches/directs SF personnel, monitors intrusion/detection comm sys--stellar command/control - Exemplified wingman concept; volunteered as designated driver--guaranteed safe transportation for 10 Amn - Exhibited remarkable military bearing/ldrshp; demonstrated sense of service--instilled purpose & responsibility in peers - Facilitated Amn development; coord'd 6x ldrshp crses by John C. Maxwell/2x public speaking crs's--dev'd 130 Amn - Swiftly respond'd to three F-16/A-10 in-flight/ground emergencies; prepp'd 1st responders to possible mishaps - Fill'd E-8 billet as Supt f/21 days; mng'd 31 psnl/3 armories 2K wpns--secured $38.8B in jt assets & 92K mbrs, - Fire Alarm/CC; dispatched patrols, establish'd 360 perimeter, evacuat'd & swept lodging--source found no loss of life - OSC f/US Army physical threat w/knife to KSA MOD prnsl; secured scene/investigated incident--diffused w/o injury, - Outstanding duty performance/teamwork; directly contributed to Bravo Flt selection as "Team of the Quarter" - Dedicated to excellence; earned an impressive 96% on ISRT/ESRT DPE--exemplified flight standard for peers - Seeks out growth/improvement; qualified 45 mbrs on Self Aid Buddy Care program--boosted unit readiness by 34% - Certified TCCC mbr; successfully completed rigorous 16 hr class--gained priceless lifesaving tools as first responder - Volunteered 68+ hrs at USO supporting reopening: sorted/org'd morale equip't--USO directly influenced base morale, - Volunteered as SF rep for rewrite of fledging base fitness program; instilled continuity and 100% compliance - Facilitated afld projs; SLRTI placed/AM2 road created/SF man-pwr rvw--4 mil pax gain/elim'd EOSS escort burdens Encrypted radio/satellite battlefield positioning system expert--improved flt readiness/capability - Revamped controlled item inspection program--fixed eight major security deficiencies; 19K pers safe/secure, - Revamped Sq training venues; Secured $280k f/FATS/SMC range w/MOUT caps--cost driven initiative saved $766k - Champion'd police outreach pgm; educated base community on SF duties--bridged gap between SF & base pop, - Cited 30 traffic violators; enforced regulations--reduced vehicle accidents/improved public safety compliance - Served as interim squadron 1st Sgt for 150 members; counseled 4 amn/resolved 3 prnl actions--100% of issues fixed - Responded to suspicious package report; assisted AFOSI in recovering contents without unnecessary hazard - Bested prof-development; completed 86 hrs Crse 14 & 12x AF E-Learning crses--guided 9x wing/7 sq exec spt teams - Detained military member for DWAI, discovered two concealed weapons; ensured safety of all on-scene patrolmen, - Detained/apprehended one drunk driver; enforced wing's zero tolerance policy--removed threats to motorists Air Force EPR Bullets - Led three no-notice readiness exercises; executed Delta AT/FP measures--guaranteed compliance w/ DoD directives - First-rate Honor Guard mbr; participated as bearer/firing squad in eight military funerals--textbook ceremonies - Aided w/two unsecured buildings; secure/safeguarded $50k+ of mission essential assets--prohibited gov theft - Critical to "Haunted Maze" setup; dedicated 15 hrs/erected 9 tents/booths--aid'd Sq's #1 fundraiser/raised $6K - Trusted mentor; trained six newly assigned Amn on flt policy/procedures--increased msn capability/readiness, - Unit OPSEC & Alt Sec Mngr; mng'd 14 MICT line items/auth'd qtrly trng/verified 20 clearances--100% compliance - Conducts witness and victim interviews; collects evidence, apprehends/detains offenders and completes reports/forms Soup kitchen server; prep'd food on Christmas Day/4 hrs--up'd QoL 110 underprivileged - Assisted with runaway case; vigilance and intel gathering proved effective--efforts resulted in apprehension - Mng'd KAF med prgm; establish'd new CCP/order'd 1k items/trn'd TCCC/IDF f/80 mbrs--renforc'd SABC readiness I cannot imagine a single task I have completed. - Expanded airpower; sync'd w/A-10's f/OP Winter Hawg/1 pers/2 FOB FP surveys/7 days--extended AFCENT reach - Completed Amn Professional Development crse; utilized skills to fill NCOIC shortfall--prep'd for supervisory duties - Aced 4 college crs's; earned 12 credits twds Comm BS/sustained 3.8 GPA--completed 58% deg rqmts/achv'd Dean's List. - Combat Ready! You may not think these things matter, but they do. - Mentored SrA on PME; restored Amn's reenlistment eligibility--unit's msn-essential personnel retention ensured See also: Military Working Dog (MWD) Handler, See also: Security Forces Awards & Decorations, - Leads 150-pers SF Ops section providing planning/organizing security f/USSTRATCOM msn & deployment rqmts, - Compiles detailed after-action reports improving future deployment strategies throughout the entire USAF, - Coordinates with over 40 host and tenant units base wide on plans, training and operations; ensured joint effort, - Dispatches & directs security forces to security incidents, threats to resources/prsnl and coords w/other emer services, - Monitors & performs function tests on intrusion detection & communication systems; accounts for classified material, - Maintains all squadron weapons, ensuring proficiency and currency to support combat operations, - Provides support to all training iterations pertaining to weapons, ensuring operators are fully trained and ready, - Prepares & submits police blotters, reports, and related documents; implements Security Reporting/Alerting Systems, - Reviews/authorizes SF personnel generated paperwork; managed time/attendance for personnel appointments, - Safeguards 31K personnel/30K acres of property, including protection level (PL) 2/3/4 resources, valued at $6.5B, - Serves as liaison to the Command Post, Maint Ops Center, AF OSI, local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, - Provides armed response for security of DoD and AF Protection Level 2, 3, 4 assets & 59 KC-135s valued at $3.1B+ 3S1X1 Military Equal Opportunity. - Establish'd entry control point for grnd emergency; evacuat'd affect'd area--protect'd four F-16s worth $160M - Dispatched to two unsecured buildings; secure/safeguarded $50k+ of mns essential assets--prohibited gov theft - Demonstrated superior professionalism during DV visit; lauded for solid post brief/coined by 379 ESFS/DFC - Led 1st responders f/3 medical emers; org'd spt/confirmed location/relayed info/dispatch'd ptrls--asst rendered < 10min Whole Airman Concept EPR Bullets Contact - Embodied AF tradition; participated in ALS retreat ceremony--demonstrated professionalism/esprit de corps, - Emceed for flt award ceremony; displayed exemplary professionalism--honored seven NCO's accomplishments - Responded to twelve IFE's; secur'd $824M critical war fighting assets--amply result'd in AUAB msn readiness, - Responded to two suicidal gestures; stabilized patients until arrival of emergency med prsnl--saved both lives 8H000 Airman Dorm Leader. - Id'd muns discrepancy; implemented Armory SOP/Policy Ltr for unserviceable ammo--MICT write-up closed - Verified over 13k access creds; enhanc'd installation access w/DBIDS-reduc'd terrorist/insurgent/insider threat, - Vetted entry requirements for 35K+ visitors; maintained $250K biometrics system--secured KAFB assets/prsnl - Expedited 332 ESFG AEF changeover; processed 500+ personnel/1K+ wpns; reduced transition time by 40%, - Expedited to 747 a/c ground emergency; posted as EC for emergency personnel--minimized AB mission delay Caring, respectful, and dignified environment (teamwork): Rate how well the Airman selflessly considers others, values diversity, and sets the stage for an environment of dignity and respect, to include promoting a healthy organizational climate. Whole Airman Concept - Air Force Writing Assistance and Examples You can do COVID-19 screening to volunteer, if your base is doing that. - Excelled as BMT element leader; displayed exceptional fitness/academic performance--awarded honor grad/top 10% - Selfless individual; volunteered to sponsor two inbound Defenders--eased transition for newly assigned pers, - Served as squad leader during primary's two month absence; managed 13 Security Forces Airmen--zero deficiencies Represents SOLRS to allow enlisted voice heard to be heard throughout the wing! - Hand selected by leadership! - Revamped unit family care pgm/unit safety boards/EO board; zero findings/praised by IG inspectors during CI - Selfless volunteer; dedicated 7 wks/52 hrs ISO 4 local charity orgs--fostered pro AF image/raised $8K for Sq Whole Airman Concept: Leadership development > Air Force Reserve - Reissued 13 Special Security Instruction; revised, editted, & prodc'd high qual binders--vital SF knowledge - Committed to professional development; completed 48 mths exp. - Attentive patrolman; apprehended individual for shoplifting at BX--recovered gov't property and cited offender, - Attentively patrolled '10 PACAF airshow; safeguarded $2B in assets--55K attendees protected w/out incident When your Troop Doesn't Play Ball Thanks! - Model team player; consistently exhibits good work ethic/accountability--fosters environment of purpose/obligation, - NCO Prof Seminar planner; org'd logistics f/2 classes/brief'd 3 topics--bridg'd PME gap b/w ALS & NCOA f/48 SSgts, - Orchestrated MXG Annual Awd luncheon; org'd cook-off, set-up & teardown for 150 attendees--lauded by MXG/CC - Super'd Army/USAF sec op; led 32 SF/MP prsnl cleared 2 camps/35 OCN's--3 UA items seized/insider threat negated 3S2X1 Education and Training. If we knew about this bullet before we boarded we might have been able to do something. - Public svc advocate; vol'd 104 hrs to eight base & private organizations--awarded "President's Volunteer Svc medal" Donated 18 hrs to H4H/Ronald McDonald/Days of Caring--invigorated local community - Personally led two McGruff events; educated 400 children on crime prevention--enhanced community relations, - Piloted EOD team to suspicious package; safeguarded convoy/equip--device neutralized/mitigated loss of life - Proffered Sq CoC ceremony; upheld time-honored traditions/professionalism f/118 attendees--rcv'd LoA from Sq/CC - Arrang'd/conduct'd training session in former AFSC; 2 hr practical application for 3 new ops members; 1 team 1 fight! - Facilitated Amn panel for TSgt seminar; mentored 40 supervisors on troops expectations--empowered future SNCOs - Authenticated 175 EALs/25 PALs; verified eligibility f/3K prsnl/100 CAs/9 RAs--100% on-time flts/unimpeded ops - Reported catastrophic failure during Hurricane; swift notifications/actions prevented injury/loss to vital assets - Key mbr of wg Amn's Council; drove holiday raffle/tm'd w/Sqdn Booster Club--raised $150 f/Booster Club/MEAC, - Led 12 member class; coor'd addt'l duties, uniform inspections, & cadre liaison--90% class GPA/0 disciplinary actions - Strengthened Coalition ties; instrumental participation in 12hrs LITSOF/GMT trng exercise--furthered jnt op success - Excelled as acting 1st Sgt for 200-mbr WSA; advised CC on morale, family issuesupheld AF stds/mbrs' well-being - Flawless administrator; improved flight training plan--efforts directly linked to unit "Team of Qtr" recognition, - Flt standout during UCI; Wg's 1st inspection in seven yrs--effort linked to unit's excellence/Wg's "Pass" rating, - Gallantly commandeered two unsanctioned weapons during DUI detainment; potential active shooter deterred - Dvlp'd & implmted dynmic pro fire course; live fire trng 61 airmen on vari weapons; ensured zero/efficiency/safety - Responsible for over 154,588 munitions inventory, with 100% inspected; resulting in zero discrepancy rate - WIT phase II ex participant; performed afld damage assessment/plotted 15 UXOs--prepared 8.6K ORE prsnl

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security forces whole airman concept epr bullets