the lord will perfect that which concerns me sermon

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. The worst has been seen, and that too by the holiest of beings, and yet eternal glory is offered to us! We could never discharge our duties properly if we were to be perpetually distracted by the consciousness of what was around us: and, above all, we might be daunted by the perpetual thought of the presence of God, and so be paralyzed instead of helped. GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN MIGHT, BUT DOES NOT, KNOW OF HIMSELF. He then that has no care to keep peace refuses to bear the fruit of the Spirit. AugustineOf Holy Virginity. v. 22). His omnipresence. The Lord Will Perfect That Which Concerneth Me: 12/14/2014 (SUN) | Bible: Psalm 138:8. And this perpetual though not always conscious sense of God's presence would, no doubt, if we would let it have its perfect work, gradually act on our characters just as the presence of our fellow-men does. Ps. ", 4. 23, 24). Jesus Set Aside Divinity, Empty of Divine Capacity (Bill Johnson Sermon To Dominicus, Bishop. That act whereby another being knows my secret thoughts and inmost feelings is most certainly inexplicable.I. S. Thomas, On the Beatific Vision, I., xii. Those who live much in a court acquire courtly manners. the regular habit of reading the Bible at a fixed time, the occasional reminders of ourselves that God is looking on, these are our chief means of learning to remember His presence. The right state of mind plainly is to have the thought of God's presence so perpetually at hand that it shall always start before us whenever it is wanted. 19 III. GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN KNOWS OF HIMSELF. The separate, personal thinking of God toward every one of us.(1)Innumerable.(2)Constant.II. When I was young, I used to make a lot of wishes using wishing bones or when blowing out my birthday candles. "Come, and let us return to the Lord: for He hath torn, and He will heal us. Gregory to Dominicus, Bishop of Carthage [1454] . 9An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. So that whenever we are on the point of doing or saying anything cowardly, or mean, or false, or impure, or proud, or conceited, or unkind, the remembrance that God is looking on shall instantly flash across us and help us to beat down our enemy. Ps. : While the Americans were blockading Cuba, several captains endeavoured to elude their vigilance by night, trusting that the darkness would conceal them as they passed between the American war-ships. He sees the whole of every object. Your womb has a spiritual ear. He will revive us."--HOS. How priceless the blood of Calvary, in which the saints have "washed their robes and made them white"! That of siding with Him against evil (vers. 1216141335123 . (Isa. 18 " Ep., cxxx. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. It constitutes the response of the Church to the divine demands of prophecy, and, in a less degree, of law; or, rather, it expresses those emotions and aspirations of the universal heart which lie deeper than any formal demand. His meditations are continuous. The duties of that Covenant are God's law; and the demands of the law are all made John CunninghamThe Ordinance of CovenantingIntroduction. vi. The simple question, then, which meets us is, Wilt thou know thyself here, and now, that thou mayest accept and feel God's pity; or wilt thou keep within the screen, and not know thyself until beyond the grave, and then feel God's judicial wrath? It is here proposed to show, that every incumbent duty ought, in suitable circumstances, to be engaged to in the exercise of Covenanting. 7 ad 3m II. You can speak to your womb and effect the promises of God concerning your womb through the spoken Word. G. T. Shedd, D. D.: One of the most remark. Hear my prayer, O God; and hide not Thyself from my petition. Chapter i. We do not agree with Momus, neither are we of his mind who desired to have a window in his breast that all men might see his heart. For the Chief Musician. If we had such a window we should pray for shutters, and should keep them closed.God omniscientWeekly Pulpit. 15. His omnipotence (vers. The duties of that Covenant are God's law; and the demands of the law are all made John CunninghamThe Ordinance of CovenantingIntroduction. Now, in this condition of things, God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him might not perish, but have everlasting life. "Alas!" And here is a particular attribute, a particular perfection in God, singled out signalized. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love ." - 1 John 4:18 ESV. The Christmas Messengers, Audience and Message. So we cannot but -. The right state of mind plainly is to have the thought of God's presence so perpetually at hand that it shall always start before us whenever it is wanted. (Isa. GOD.1. Nay, more, this process of self-inspection may go on indefinitely, and the man grow more and more thoughtful, and obtain an everlastingly augmenting knowledge of what he is and what he does, so that it shall seem to him that he is penetrating so deeply into those dim and shadowy regions of consciousness where the external life takes its very first start, and then he may be sure that God understands the thought that is afar off, and deep down, and that at this lowest range and plane in his experience he besets him behind and before.II. My Prophetic Prayer Points for Today (My PPP) -UNENDING PEACE 1-6). David praises God for the truth of his word4. The simple question, then, which meets us is, Wilt thou know thyself here, and now, that thou mayest accept and feel God's pity; or wilt thou keep within the screen, and not know thyself until beyond the grave, and then feel God's judicial wrath? )God all-seeing:In the mythology of the heathen, Momus, the god of fault-finding, is represented as blaming Vulcan, because in the human form, which he had made of clay, he had not placed a window in the breast, by which whatever was done or thought there might easily be brought to light. 13-16).4. That He will complete the work. 2. Letter Xliii a Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey. 24).(W. There is, therefore, nothing wrong in our forgetting that we are in the presence of God any more than there is anything foolish in our forgetting that we need air to breathe or light to see by, or that if we fall we may hurt ourselves: just in the same way as we very often, and quite rightly, forget that we are in the company of men who will take notice of our faults. [2105] And these without all controversy we take to be humble. 1, 2. He learnt his theology, as we shall see, from Eastern authorities, and was not content to carry on and develop the traditional teaching of the West; and the disciple St. To Dominicus, Bishop. He will revive us."--HOS. Psalms 138:8 - The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: th - GodTube Ps. And are not temptations everywhere, and so many of them subtle and strong, and before which many souls have fallen? How few are the objects we see even thus externally and partially! 13-18). v. 14), the earth was cursed, Hades was opened, Paradise shut, Heaven offended, man, lastly, corrupted and brutalised (cf. For whereas man sinned, and is fallen, and by his fall all things are in confusion: death prevailed from Adam to Moses (cf. Through Baptism God puts his name on us. Do the Moral Virtues pertain to the Contemplative Life? For if God's exhaustive knowledge of the human heart waken dread in one of its aspects, it starts infinite hope in another. His discourse, the first which He delivered to His disciples at greater length, began from this. And here let us look upon the bright as well as the dark side of this subject. And how it would bless us! GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN KNOWS OF HIMSELF. Forasmuch as Each Man is a Part of the Human Race Wherefore a Few Witnesses, which the Lord Deigns to Suggest to My Mind Letter Xliii a Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey. 9 Do not hide Your face from me; Do not turn Your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation. He may be an uncommonly thoughtful person, and little of what is done within his soul may escape his notice; nay, we will make the extreme supposition that he arrests every thought as it rises, and looks at it; that he analyzes every sentiment as it swells his heart; that he scrutinizes every purpose as it determines his will; even if he should have such a thorough and profound self-knowledge as this, God knows him equally profoundly and equally thoroughly. 5 Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the LORD: for great is the glory of the LORD. Do the Moral Virtues pertain to the Contemplative Life? 18, 19. Its words are as simple and unaffected as human words can be, for it is the genius John Edgar McFadyenIntroduction to the Old TestamentLinksPsalm 138:8 NIVPsalm 138:8 NLTPsalm 138:8 ESVPsalm 138:8 NASBPsalm 138:8 KJVPsalm 138:8 Bible AppsPsalm 138:8 ParallelPsalm 138:8 Biblia ParalelaPsalm 138:8 Chinese BiblePsalm 138:8 French BiblePsalm 138:8 German BiblePsalm 138:8 CommentariesBible Hub. Hence Paul Leo the GreatWritings of Leo the GreatSense in Which, and End for which all Things were Delivered to the Incarnate Son. Lectionary texts. 8). And though we thought that we had suffered loss from the tardiness of their coming, yet we find gain from their more abundant charity; seeing that from this delay in point Saint Gregory the Greatthe Epistles of Saint Gregory the GreatThe Coming Revival"Wilt Thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee?"--PS. His omniscience. vi. )PeopleDavid, PsalmistPlacesJerusalemTopicsAbandon, Accomplish, Age, Chief, Complete, Concerneth, Concerns, David, Endures, Endureth, Eternal, Everlasting, Fall, Forever, Forsake, Fulfil, Fulfill, Hands, Kindness, Love, Loving, Lovingkindness, Loving-kindness, Mercy, Musician, O, Perfect, Psalm, Purpose, Steadfast, WorksOutline1. (4)In the dark as well as the light.3. It leads to prayer. The law and covenant of God are co-extensive; and what is enjoined in the one is confirmed in the other. The law and covenant of God are co-extensive; and what is enjoined in the one is confirmed in the other. "I dwell with him that is of a humble and contrite heart, to revive the heart of the contrite ones."--ISA. The self-knowledge, remember, must come in the one way or the other. Rom. Therefore the first natural bond of human society is man and wife. (Admonition 23.) He professes his confidence in GodDictionary of Bible ThemesPsalm 138:86708predestination8125guidance, promise8441goalsPsalm 138:7-81265hand of GodLibraryFaith in PerfectionIn the opening, I must remark that this is not the heritage of all mankind. But he knows it and bows in reverence before the sublime truth. It is a simple question of time; a simple question whether it shall come here in this world, where the blood of Christ "freely" flows, or in the future world, where "there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin."(W. The Lord Will Perfect That Which Concerns Me Sermon by - Sermon Central A Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey. 8). Does the Contemplative Life consist solely in the Contemplation of God, or in the Consideration St. Letter Xliii a Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey. That He had made the waters, but had not divided them from the land, or said to the sea, "Hitherto shalt thou go, but no farther"? Nay, more, this process of self-inspection may go on indefinitely, and the man grow more and more thoughtful, and obtain an everlastingly augmenting knowledge of what he is and what he does, so that it shall seem to him that he is penetrating so deeply into those dim and shadowy regions of consciousness where the external life takes its very first start, and then he may be sure that God understands the thought that is afar off, and deep down, and that at this lowest range and plane in his experience he besets him behind and before.II. He may be an uncommonly thoughtful person, and little of what is done within his soul may escape his notice; nay, we will make the extreme supposition that he arrests every thought as it rises, and looks at it; that he analyzes every sentiment as it swells his heart; that he scrutinizes every purpose as it determines his will; even if he should have such a thorough and profound self-knowledge as this, God knows him equally profoundly and equally thoroughly. 8). GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN MIGHT, BUT DOES NOT, KNOW OF HIMSELF. 3. His discourse, the first which He delivered to His disciples at greater length, began from this. Does the Contemplative Life consist solely in the Contemplation of God, or in the Consideration St. How shall we learn to walk by His side? (4)In the dark as well as the light.3. 19 III. We become unconscious of everything by long use. And lest the presence of God should be too much for us, Christ has taken human nature on Him, and has provided that He will be always with us as long as the world shall last. S. Augustine, Of the City of God, xix. We have received with the utmost gratification the letters of your Fraternity, which have reached us somewhat late by the hands of Donatus and Quodvultdeus, our most reverend brethren and fellow-bishops, and also Victor the deacon with Agilegius the notary. Wherefore a few witnesses, which the Lord deigns to suggest to my mind, I proceed to mention, from out the teaching of Christ concerning humility, such as perhaps may be enough for my purpose. For if God's exhaustive knowledge of the human heart waken dread in one of its aspects, it starts infinite hope in another. When David said the Lord will perfect that which concerns me, he was making a declaration of faith. "I dwell with him that is of a humble and contrite heart, to revive the heart of the contrite ones."--ISA. GOD ACCURATELY AND EXHAUSTIVELY KNOWS ALL THAT MAN MIGHT, BUT DOES NOT, KNOW OF HIMSELF. v. 14), the earth was cursed, Hades was opened, Paradise shut, Heaven offended, man, lastly, corrupted and brutalised (cf. 1. But there are other reasons for the comparative neglect into which he has fallen. But in almost every case the dazzling rays of a searchlight frustrated the attempt, and the fugitives' vessel was captured by the Americans. Justice, in this reference, is out of the question. He does not come back in a quarter of an hour and say, "Have you my money safe? G. T. Shedd, D. D.)God's presenceArchbishop Temple. Does the Contemplative Life consist solely in the Contemplation of God, or in the Consideration St. 15. He prophesies that the kings of the earth shall praise God7. It is a simple question of time; a simple question whether it shall come here in this world, where the blood of Christ "freely" flows, or in the future world, where "there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin."(W. The worst has been seen, and that too by the holiest of beings, and yet eternal glory is offered to us! PSALMS 138:8 KJV "The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy lxxxv. Like the air we breathe, like the light we see, it involves a mystery that no man has ever solved. AugustineOn the Good of MarriagePrayer Out of the Deep. He professes his confidence in GodDictionary of Bible ThemesPsalm 138:86708predestination8125guidance, promise8441goalsPsalm 138:7-81265hand of GodLibraryFaith in PerfectionIn the opening, I must remark that this is not the heritage of all mankind. There is, therefore, nothing wrong in our forgetting that we are in the presence of God any more than there is anything foolish in our forgetting that we need air to breathe or light to see by, or that if we fall we may hurt ourselves: just in the same way as we very often, and quite rightly, forget that we are in the company of men who will take notice of our faults. xlix. They were just desires I had in my head not necessarily things I hoped God would do or was even sure God could do. The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me. In short, to live with God is to be perpetually rising above the world; to live without Him is to be perpetually sinking into it, and with it, and below it.

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the lord will perfect that which concerns me sermon